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lmao the way my heart stopped


Wow, a new game without the clay or drawing style but still managed to make a masterpiece.


Dry Beans  


lovely. i got stumnps many times but thats mostly bc i dont know how to use a analog clock


Always a delight to play a new game by colorbomb, you guys are great. Great puzzles as always (despite my puzzle solving skills being severely lacking today hahaha). Once again though I kind of feel like the game could use some kind of background noise or music, cause otherwise it is quite quiet , besides the sounds made by the puzzles of course. Other than that, great experience as always!

Can there be an option to turn off the screen turning?


just added!


So are the beans just a red herring?




A compact but very complete game! My video:

Hi!  I've been trying to contact you.  I really like your Madzoong game. The animals are so cute! Great art!  But, can you make it optional to be timed or untimed?  I find the time much too short to complete. Also, the non-stop shuffling is very distracting. Can you fix to where you can make 5 or more matches before shuffling? Sometimes, there are no matches at all, and it shuffles aver and over. Then it times out.  Thank you!


Lodge Walkthough by Colorbomb


DAMN BRO THIS WAS AMAZING (NGL i was stuck in the flower because my brain refused to work)

(1 edit) (+3)

Really fun as always, although I question the difficulty of 2 / 5, given how I was completely stuck on the window puzzle and got it by sheer chance (I was trying to replicate moves on the other side of the window, but the moves seem to have a random component, so I really don't get it)

After the window puzzle, things went pretty well, and it was really fun! I rather liked the parallax visuals, although I can see why others wouldn't enjoy it as much!


*spoilers ahead*

In order to win as X, you have to play OPPOSITE of where O plays. If you fail to do this, O will win.


i'm sooo stuck on the window puzzle

Very fun, especially a few hours before a deadline gives it a bit more spice.

une sauvegarde est manquante !  s'il vous plait ! 

à l'écriture de ce commentaire , mon jeu s'est fermé ! GRRR ! 


so spooky :o

it took me forever to figure out the window puzzle, i definitely should've figured it out sooner T^T 


another colorbomb classic :)

thanks :)

is there a secret exit involving going to the end game box but at night because I wan to figure it out


When entering the first code I soft locked myself by clicking back on the code area of the box.

(7 edits) (+1)

Colorbomb releases a new game? Hell yeah! Immediately open and play asap. To be honest, I’m not very fond of the parallax. It’s especially weird on the screen with the door code.

Tip if someone gets stuck on the same thing as I did, the numbers needed to open the door: (spoilers!)






try playing with the thing behind the painting. Lol I was stuck for such a long time, trying out number of this letter, that letter, total letters, alphabetical order, until I just tried something else just to see what it does.

And for the keyboard-entered password to the box… do the same XD I was COMPLETELY stuck on this and had to glance at the walkthrough.

What a spooky ending! I wonder if the S could be used for something.


Sweet.  I loved every 53 minutes of playing it.


Is there gonna be a sequel?

thats my the worst colorbomb game score ever

Good job!


It's really just another fantastic game, i really love and enjoy your creations, been a fan since I played Clayscape. I can see the improvements in your work.

I found a little visual bug, it basically shows the little statue over its place even if you don't really solve it's puzzle, i solved the box with the text first and the statue was there and I hadn't even found it yet

Amazing job once again. Please don't stop what you're doing it's beautiful and really entertaining!


You mean the dog? I would argue that it might not be a bad thing. I saw the word while looking at the paper and it was the only thing that could be used somewhere, although it didn’t occur to me to enter it in the machine until I put that figurine over it. I don’t really like when games have puzzles that can be solved with information you already got, but they won’t let you solve them because you haven’t pressed a button somewhere that was supposed to “give you” the solution. If that’s the case, then it should be totally unclear until you press that button.


always a good day when colourbomb makes a enw game


Great game Colorbomb, learn to play


Another great game!


Another colorbomb game! Amazing as always, and completed in 28m and 57s


Colourbomb is allergic to making bad games


another amazing game, even tho it took me longer than expected (1 hour)


do you play pjsk by any chance?

(1 edit)

yes i do!! wanna be friends (i mean, in pjsk)??


ok then heres my id  : 389706977174917124


Amazing short game!

Probably it's not needed, but here's a walkthrough






let's gooo


Great game as always.

Is there only one end?

Here's my walkthrough (watch only is completly stucked, keep pleasure of solving puzzles):


Great job, i love it thanks !!

i wish it could be al little longer :)


37m 45s. Another great colorbomb escape game. Some of my favorites since Neutral's Escape Games. Curious if the ending I got is hinting that there's a second ending? Or just being spooky. :)


Me and my friend absolutely love your games, and we look forward to every new one you create. Much love and appreciation for this art form, because it makes us so happy to enjoy together. Thank you so much, Colorbomb!


thank you so much! I'm really glad you enjoy them! :)


Wow that was amazing! I love all of your games


the 3D effect is really cool! I'm having a lot of fun so far! I noticed that at night if you solve the flower puzzle, look at mirror, turn on laser, or roll dice it looks like daytime. mostly only happens if you break the sequence but hopefully you can fix these. I'm always looking forward to your games!


Fantastic game! Lovely to play

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