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when she takes the horse T_T


guyssssss how to move the clock stuff


i didn't start the game yet but from yall's comments i think its supper hard omg

(1 edit) (+1)

Can someone tell me what the code to the three digit thing


nvm ii got it

yay! :)


I beat the game, it was very rewarding

wait what was it I'm so confused




The second level is crazy fr o_O


shit that was hard I had to go between the rotoscope room and the other guy like four times cause I kept getting the legs switched around


i only got the green triangle help


nvm i finished it, amazing game

how am ii supposed to beat the puzzle with the horses legs on the box? someones probably said it i'm just really late to playing.

(1 edit)

you need to enter the Rotoscope room first



on the door w the safe lol

how do I get the code to the safe!!!!


Amazing game, did you build this irl? Big difficulty drop in the second level, apprechiated. :) For real, I actually liked it :) more :) like that :) :)


The game was pretty good even if I was too stupid to get some of the puzzles, however I made a video so you can watch my stupidity.

I'll check out some of your other games as well. 


holy hell this was an incredible work of art! then i found out it was made in TEN DAYS. amazing


Damn, good stuff =)

Deleted post

wheres the red block?


i keep seeing "ew" and "ew no" in the comments now I'm scared-


u are so talented this is soooo fun


whats the key to the blender?



(1 edit) (+1)

get orange man out cage by putting the code "90" in the lock thing next to plant idk


this is for the yellow star blud


The yellow guy is sitting on the circle ๐Ÿ’€

90 is the agnle

And that's the same angle Ima bend you over as

excus me

excus me


SOOOOOOO FUN :D The game style was very retro and fun while also being unique and modern. I loved the small jump scare in the gaming room. It all felt very  eerie to play but still light and fun and just the right amount of creepy.


thank you! im a wimp when it comes to horror, so I wanted to make a "slightly scary" game for halloween


I'm a bigger wimp then I guess ToT Because as much as I loved the game, the puzzles, everything; this jump scare scared me enough to stop playing xD (Even though I expected it to happen!) I completed almost everything, though... Just rotoscopy room left and I had an idea what to do here. Anyway, you did amazing work with the atmosphere and puzzles!


Very very good, took like 20 min. Among the best I've played.


smug ahhh horse, i hate him unlike the tiny man,i hope nothing bad happens to tiny man



u can refer to this video, if u need

maybe im just dumb but after doing the little green triangle i and putting it in the thing i cant find ANYTHING else and everything is locked or needs a passcode.


remember where you got the green triangle from? Take another look... :)


It's so hard


I dont have a any life




Help! Every time I click to examine an object, I get stuck and can't return to the game! I assume I'm supposed to click on the X in the upper right corner, but I can't because "View all by colorbomb" is in the way.


It just happened to me.  When I switched it to fullscreen mode in that same window it let me activate the X.  I had to start the game over before I figured it out. :) LOVE these games. I use them with my students in therapy! 


i love i love i love


Awesome, I love that others are embracing analog old school aesthetics including miniatures. This absolutely reminds me of old LucasArts experiment the Neverhood but with a horror bent.

I am working on several titles with miniature art graphics so you may find that intriguing.

good game, took me like 2-3 hours to beat, highly recommend if you like puzzles


The HOrsE-


MADE IN 10 DAYS?????!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?


Does anyone know what the passcode is for the 3-digit code?


Hint: negative space


damn this was made in 10 days? mad impressive


i loved it. i needed some hints sometimes but its such a nice game. i feel bad for the clay dude tho :(


What is the code for the second area!?


Substitution cipher


already finished it after 32 days


Loved this! Really reminded me of A Bonte Escape in the best way. Great work and really clever puzzles!


what do I do with the cookie cutter


You're supposed to use it with the clay man's remains. Don't worry, he survived!


im at the part where the hidden part behind the picture is revealed what do???

You mean his heart?

It isn't an object that needs to be taken out; it's for a color puzzle seen later!


no I mean the space behind the picture with a chair and a x- ray what do I do?


Place the clay figure on the chair, then press the button on the raygun-looking thing. The clay man's blue heart is visible.

Otherwise, that's about it. Like I said yesterday, the color of the heart is useful later, because it's used to solve a puzzle.




Yay i saved clayton!

:) nice!

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