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I got so scared I quit 0_0

Heres my play through if anyone wants to check it out I appreciate it


thanks for the walkthrough!! you really helped me out in a couple of spots and once it clicked, the rest was quite easy to figure out :D

(8 edits) (+3)(-1)

Puzzle spoiler: is a real domain. It happens to be for sale right now for €6,993.00. It turns out down-left-left-right-dot-up-up is not the answer. :)

swen spelled backwards is news aka north, east, west, and south its compass directions



bro the pain i felt when i had to blend the man




The happiness I felt when I was able to get him back out of the blender safe and sound


you can do that!?

yes I just clicked the blender

it didnt let me take the man back out-

oof  :(

if you try hard enough... anything is possible.

i kept clicking on it, and it still didnt give him back...


It appears there is a softlock in the first area, where after blending if you use the cookie cutter but back out without taking the star, the tray gets reverted to its pre cut state but with the cutter removed from your inventory.

good catch! I will fix this bug when the game jam voting period is over!


This was an excellent game. The puzzles were nice and challenging; the aesthetic was cute and haunting and a wee bit spooky; the background noises were pleasant, too. I would love to see another like this!

not loading

same here

same :/


It was pretty enjoyable! The claymation art style is unique, and the artstyle made the atmosphere unsettling on some parts. Also, the puzzles have the right amount of difficulty (not too hard and not too easy). It seems a bit short, but would love to see a bit more!

Great Game! Small glitch with yellow man...I left him in the blue chair, after his resurrection. The green triangle was not usable in Safari 14.1.2, Mac OS 11.5.1. Worked perfectly in Firefox 92.0.1.  More please!

Worked fine for me on Chrome/macOS. Very creative escape game! Puzzles were just the right amount of difficulty for me. I've played a bunch of room escape games and never seen anything like this style. Please make more!


Excellent Game Colorbomb! I loved the visuals. Slightly creepy, with that awesome clay look. The puzzles weren't hard, but still required a bit of thinking/looking. 

I thought it was just a short escape at first, but then realized there was a second part, but then the second part ended and it was over. Would love to see more of this! Please keep them coming!

(1 edit) (+1)

Interesting to make a game using stop-motion, I loved it! Got stuck on the first level after getting the triangle, but somehow won. 


Right when I was hooked the game ended. I'd love to see more.


Love this! I really enjoyed how much it made me think. Hard but not impossible 


I'm sorry to pop in with this issue, but the game isn't loading for me. I've disabled Adblock and everything, but it doesn't seem to help. 

try using a different browser (edge, firefox, google chrome)

sorry you're having issues!

Deleted post

Can you not use firefox?


I got a glitch where the little yellow man hopped back into my inventory after his little spin, so he got to accompany me on the rest of my journey :)


lol! what a pleasant bug. I'll be sure to patch the game to ensure his agonizing death remains permanent :)


Alas, he was too good for this cruel and unjust clay world.

me too


Oh, a mini Neverhood. Neat!

(1 edit) (+4)

Excellent game! Thank you :)
If you are stuck, I have made a video walkthrough ;)

Thank you for making these!!

link isn't working

It works. Maybe you have some issue with your device?


Ugh, I'm stuck at the beginning already
Dunno how to unlock the three-digits lock
I thought that you need to count something on the picture (count only orange subjects, count legs, count all), but it didn't work 
Any help, please?


try taking a second look at the big board with all the buttons...

what does this mean pls 

oh wait i get it now



what do you get?


oh wow, thanks

looked like three times there but didn't notice it until you mentioned it


at least, if you looked carefully at the painting, you should have a clue for a next puzzle ;)


and to think i just brute forced the 2digit and 3digit codes-


I don't fucking get it


Very good game i love it thanks !


Took me and my fiancé quite a bit to make it through together, but that was really awesome! Great job!


hard game, it recommends brain, the thing that i don't have.  but i made it.


ar u syaing im uSle$$ here?????????? :(

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